The Blog


Is Therapy Really Worth It?

This week, a young individual in Glen & Yvette’s life asked if therapy as a single person is worth it and if they would’ve gone to therapy before getting married, how that would have affected their relationship now. The short answer: Therapy is very worth it. But why?

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Show Notes

Episode 144: Single People Won’t Listen to Us

February 28, 2023

Glen & Yvette have been sharing encouragement to people of different seasons on their email lists including singles. But when they’ve been sent out, they sometimes get responses they weren’t expecting, which have begged the question: Should married people give advice to singles and does their advice bring value to their season? To answer those, […]

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Episode 143: Leaving a Legacy

February 23, 2023

The Legacy Lately on social media, Glen has been noticing a rise in divisiveness: Black Men vs. Black Women. Each group blames the other for issues in their lives, and it deeply saddens him. It brings him back to why they do the work they do on the podcast. HMAY’s why is to show what […]

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Yvette & Glen Henry recording "We Stopped Couples Therapy" episode 142 of the how married are you podcast.

Show Notes

Episode 142: We Stopped Couples Therapy

February 21, 2023

Well… they didn’t exactly quit, but they are taking a break because Yvette will be taking on their previous couple’s therapist as her individual therapist! The Switch This transition was in the making for a while because she and the therapist got along so well, however, Yvette had been hesitant. She knew that couple’s therapy […]

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Episode 141: Losing Myself in Motherhood

February 16, 2023

In this episode, Glen & Yvette talk about if we really lose ourselves or become something new. Losing Herself in Marriage & Motherhood Yvette has talked in episodes past about the concept of losing herself in becoming a wife and a mother. (Want to hear those? Check out Episode 136 & Episode 137). Fat Nwigwe […]

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Episode 140: The Quiet Years of Marriage

February 9, 2023

What Are the “Quiet Years?” After listening to Episode 340 of the The Secret to Success Podcast’s Jemal King talk about the “Quiet Years,” something shifted for Glen and gave him this “Aha!” moment. The Quiet Years describes the time period after everyone in your community is done having babies and before they graduate high […]

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Our Favorite Stocking Stuffers!

December 9, 2022

You’ve finally snagged all the gifts on your kids’ Christmas lists to place under the tree and are feeling so proud of yourself for getting it done early…until you realize you completely forgot about those little items for their stockings. We’ve all been there, so we hope to make your life a little easier by […]

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Show Notes

Episode 137: We Had to Stop this Podcast

December 8, 2022

Hello, Wedding Party! Last week’s conversation got Glen’s blood boiling (Watch that here). So many women related to Yvette when she expressed regretting not taking full advantage of her season of singleness. On one hand, Glen was so happy to see her expressing how she was feeling and was empathetic to her situation, but on […]

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How to Rest Well & Be Present During the Holiday Season

December 7, 2022

The holidays for many people is one of the most joyful times of the year, but it also can come with added stress. What activities will we do? What time is dinner again? How will we get to church on time while still being present in the moment as our children empty their stockings and […]

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Show Notes

Episode 136: He’s Ready To Get Married After Two Months

December 1, 2022

Hello, Wedding Party! This week, a young man came to ask Glen for some advice. After dating his girlfriend for two months, he knew this was it: he was ready to propose. But he hesitated, thinking about societal standards, and instead asked Glen: When is the right time to get married? Thinking about their relationship, […]

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Episode 135: Being Thankful In Marriage

November 24, 2022

Hello, Wedding Party! Happy Thanksgiving!! Today Glen & Yvette are talking about things they didn’t know they would appreciate in each other, but are now thankful for in marriage! Things Glen is thankful for: She used to take him on hiking dates and once they would get to the top, she would ask what he […]

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