Well… they didn’t exactly quit, but they are taking a break because Yvette will be taking on their previous couple’s therapist as her individual therapist!
The Switch
This transition was in the making for a while because she and the therapist got along so well, however, Yvette had been hesitant. She knew that couple’s therapy was the place where she and Glen could table their conversations so that they could bring it back up in an environment that helped cultivate healthy communication and hear each other better. She also knew that when you take on a couple’s therapist individually, you typically cannot switch back to couple’s therapy. But she’d also been needing to feel understood deeply – the kind where she was able to communicate her heart without always having to use words. This therapist is that for her.
Yvette’s individual healing has become a high priority. She longs for community for herself and children that understand what it’s like to be married to a black man and a mom of fully black children. Initially self-conscious about expressing that longing, after the death of Darryl Tyree Williams, she felt it was time to start really looking. She knows if she can show up better as an individual, she will show up better as a couple.
Their Last Couple’s Therapy Session
In their last couple’s therapy session, switching became a non-option. They all knew this was a needed step, and Glen made sure Yvette felt confident making the choice. He is excited to see her learn to delegate in her life, lean on others, and grow in new ways! Now, they have the option of meeting all together quarterly with both their individual therapists, or getting a new couple’s therapist all together.
They both believe that they will need couples therapy again. While their perspectives add value just the two of them in their day to day life, therapy gives them someone to bounce ideas off of and allows them to intentionally pursue growth in their lives and marriage. They’re not sure when they’ll begin with a new couple’s therapist, but they’re excited about what’s to come!
Thank you for listening and reading the show notes for this week’s episode!
The HMAY Team

Well… they didn’t exactly quit, but they are taking a break because Yvette will be taking on their previous couple’s therapist as her individual therapist!
The Switch
This transition was in the making for a while because she and the therapist got along so well, however, Yvette had been hesitant. She knew that couple’s therapy was the place where she and Glen could table their conversations so that they could bring it back up in an environment that helped cultivate healthy communication and hear each other better. She also knew that when you take on a couple’s therapist individually, you typically cannot switch back to couple’s therapy. But she’d also been needing to feel understood deeply – the kind where she was able to communicate her heart without always having to use words. This therapist is that for her.
Yvette’s individual healing has become a high priority. She longs for community for herself and children that understand what it’s like to be married to a black man and a mom of fully black children. Initially self-conscious about expressing that longing, after the death of Darryl Tyree Williams, she felt it was time to start really looking. She knows if she can show up better as an individual, she will show up better as a couple.
Their Last Couple’s Therapy Session
In their last couple’s therapy session, switching became a non-option. They all knew this was a needed step, and Glen made sure Yvette felt confident making the choice. He is excited to see her learn to delegate in her life, lean on others, and grow in new ways! Now, they have the option of meeting all together quarterly with both their individual therapists, or getting a new couple’s therapist all together.
They both believe that they will need couples therapy again. While their perspectives add value just the two of them in their day to day life, therapy gives them someone to bounce ideas off of and allows them to intentionally pursue growth in their lives and marriage. They’re not sure when they’ll begin with a new couple’s therapist, but they’re excited about what’s to come!
Thank you for listening and reading the show notes for this week’s episode!
The HMAY Team